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Friday, August 26, 2016

Happy birthday to me!

      So, If you cannot tell I am completely and utterly obsessed the show called Arrow
staring Stephen Amell and Emily Bett. 
      Since season 5 of Arrow premieres Wednesday, October 5, 2016 8|7c.
      I thought it quite appropriate to celebrate that and my birthday. Thus inspiring me to make the cake for my party Arrow themed.
Arrow Season 5 trailer:
How I made it:
The arrows
  • For the 'shaft' of the arrow I took 3 wooden skewers and painted them with liquid green food color.
  • For the 'Fletching's' I used a ruler to draw out the shape I wanted on cardstock. Cut it out and traced 3 more (1 extra just in case). Then I took Dark green duck tape, covering the cardstock and taping them on the back to the 'shafts'.
The cake:
  • The bottom half of the cake is a single layer off 9"x13" yellow cake.
  • The top circle half is a single layer of 8" round chocolate cake.
  • It's frosted with white vanilla butter cream and piped with Green vanilla butter cream.
If you have any questions please ask, I'd be happy to answer.
yours truly
       -Inspired teenage crafter

Friday, August 19, 2016

So this is a drawing I did of Mark Luckenbill (right) he's given me a lot of inspiration and hope for my dreams. He's so talented and handsome. Here's the link to his cover of 'Kick the dust up' - Luke Bryan >
I absolutely love small town country singers. Mark is from Reading, PA, which is one of the reasons I think I love him so much.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Hey guys sorry for lack of posts but I'm back so yeah.
just a reminder that there will be new posts every Friday.
in the mean time here's a little something I've been working on.
- Inspired teenage crafter(blogger) / Inspired teen writer(watt pad)

my original please give credit